Bug Fixes and Improved Development Experience

Bug Fixes and Improved Development Experience Bug Fixes and Improved Development Experience

Our latest update, version 0.18.4, brings several bug fixes and exciting features to enhance your development experience. We have addressed various issues, including migration, workspace access validation, encryption service bind, and invalid URL errors in the workspace proxy.

On the bug fixes front, we have resolved issues related to team action permissions, workspace controller access assertations, and team ID in the database. Additionally, we have made UI fixes in the dashboard and improved error handling in the workspace proxy.

In terms of features, we have introduced new functionalities such as adding seats to the TeamSubscription, filtering workspaces and usage by team ID, and displaying team subscriptions and used seats in the dashboard. We have also made improvements to suspend team users when credit limits are exceeded.

Overall, this update aims to provide a more robust and seamless development environment.