Enhanced Development Experience with Bug Fixes

Enhanced Development Experience with Bug Fixes Enhanced Development Experience with Bug Fixes

Daytona's latest update, version 0.64.0, brings a number of new features and bug fixes aimed at enhancing the development experience. One notable addition is the improvement in workspace-cli, where the SSH port entry has been moved outside of the config object to synchronize with the Visual Studio Code (VSC) extension.

Additionally, a bug related to the workspace-proxy has been fixed, resolving the issue with the OIDC issuer and URL in version 0.64.1. In version 0.64.2, several bugs have been addressed, including excluding projects belonging to owned groups from personal GitLab namespace, fixing the fallback to template icon in the dashboard when workspace Git provider ID is undefined, and resolving the issue of cut-off Git icons with fixed dimensions in the dashboard.

This update demonstrates Daytona's commitment to providing a seamless and powerful working environment for developers.