Enhanced Experience with Improvements and Bug Fixes

Enhanced Experience with Improvements and Bug Fixes Enhanced Experience with Improvements and Bug Fixes

Daytona's recent updates, including versions 0.25.0, 0.25.1, and 0.25.2, bring several improvements and bug fixes to enhance your development experience. In version 0.25.0, we have fixed an issue with the workspace-ssh-gateway, improving the reliability of SSH operations.

Additionally, we introduced a new universal image for the workspace-supervisor, offering enhanced functionality. Version 0.25.1 includes a bug fix for the workspace-ssh-gateway related to the exec command. In version 0.25.2, we addressed several bugs, including a fix for parsing git URLs in the core, improved error handling in the workspace-proxy, and fixed branding assets in the workspace-status.

These updates reflect our commitment to providing a seamless and powerful development environment.