Integrated Dev Experience with New Features

Integrated Dev Experience with New Features Integrated Dev Experience with New Features

In the latest update of Daytona (version 0.56.0), we have focused on bug fixes and added some exciting new features. Bug fixes include improvements in getting git credentials in the supervisor and keycloak client scopes in the CLI.

We have also resolved issues related to creating workspaces and displaying redundant notification errors in the dashboard. Additionally, we have made the helper method names more intuitive and removed unnecessary checks and configurations in the dashboard. The keycloak auth error description has been capitalized for better clarity.

The new features include support for self-hosted git providers, OIDC admin URL in the API, CLI for all platforms, mapping the self-managed gitlab provider to the appropriate icon in the dashboard, and a jetbrains keycloak client. We have also made enhancements to return full git credentials from the API and added support for self-managed GitHub and GitLab.

Lastly, the keycloak theme has been updated and a keycloak client for VSCode has been included. These updates aim to streamline the development experience and provide a more powerful and seamless working environment for developers.

Stay tuned for more exciting improvements!