Continuous delivery (CD)

Continuous delivery (CD) is a software engineering practice in which incremental code changes are built, tested, and deployed automatically to production environments using progressive delivery techniques. It enables rapid delivery of features and fixes to users by reducing manual handoffs and allowing for controlled, incremental releases.

CD involves the implementation of feedback loops at various stages of the software delivery process, including development, testing, and deployment. By tracking metrics such as cycle time, work in progress, throughput, and consistency, teams can quantify their developer velocity and identify areas for improvement.

To improve CD, teams can set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that align with business outcomes. They can automate and simplify processes, encourage collaboration and continuous learning, prioritize technical debt reduction, and invest in the right tools and technologies.

The Daytona developer platform supports CD by providing optimized workflows and enhanced collaboration capabilities. It offers templated workspaces for consistent environments, frictionless collaboration through integrated tools, automation of testing and deployments, isolation controls for focus, and built-in best practices for productivity.

By optimizing CD practices, teams can significantly improve their developer velocity, resulting in faster innovation, improved quality, reduced costs, increased customer satisfaction, and higher developer engagement.